Monday, March 2, 2009

Project Outline


How can sustainable energy technology be utilized and applied to the developments at Sun Rivers, in Kamloops B.C. to get them closer to net-zero energy?


1. Interview developers at Sun Rivers to find out what they are trying to do to reduce and reuse energy.

2. Review books and articles on what net zero energy is.

3. Look at what technologies can be applied to become a net-zero energy community.
a) Geothermal
b) Wind
c) Solar

4. Look at case studies of communities similar to Sun Rivers that have made Net-Zero energy.

5. Asses the information found and create a report on how Sun Rivers could apply some of these technologies to develop net-zero energy efficiency.

Special Problems

• Tracking down developers to find out energy information about Sun Rivers.

• Are the options possible?

• Will they have the space to apply these technologies?

• Why try to reach net-zero energy?

• What changes would be needed to be made to the developments?


• Costs - Are people willing to pay the costs to have a net- zero homes built?

• There will be many different ways to reduce energy use. I will have to keep it focused to only a few technologies that could apply to this space.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jen,

    I was going through my dad's library this weekend, when I ran into a book called "Power With Nature: Solar and Wind Energy Demystified", by Rex A. Ewing.

    I was reading through it, and it has a lot of information that might interest you. With the link below, click on the book’s little page and it will let you take a peek at what the book is all about.

    Sadly the TRU library doesn't have it, but I'm sure they could order it in for you.

    Hope this helps!

  3. This topic is going to be a lot of work, I think. Are you talking about ALL of SunPeaks, or just a building? All three energy sources?

    You might be able to use this for rough information on wind conditions, . Kamloops is the closest weather station I could find to SunPeaks. Maybe they have one that displays on their website? The wind would be much more intense in some spots up there, I believe.
    If you go to the bottom of that webpage, under the Navigation Options heading, you can click on CSV to get that information into Excel. It will also contain some extra information, like "Sunny Hours" (but only for 2007-2009).

    Good luck ~

  4. Hey Jen,
    I came across an article that looks at performance results from a cold climate case study for zero energy homes. I'm not sure how useful it will be for you but just thought I would send it your way just in case.

  5. Hey Jen,
    I found a book that may be useful to you. Its called Sustainable urban design: an environmental approach. It's by Randall Thomas. It has information regarding urban design,wind and solar energy,innovation in housing and a few case studies of sustainable urban design that you can look at. Hopefully this can be applied to the Sun Rivers community.

  6. Hey Jen,

    I just thought you would want to know that over the next year the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation is building the first ever net-zero energy houses in British Columbia: one in Burnaby and one in Kamloops. Until six months after the construction completion date, these two houses will be open to the public for educational tours. They are hoping to open homebuyers' eyes to the possibilities for healthier, more sustainable housing. You might be able to follow the progress and technology used in these two houses.

    Here is a web link that will give you more information on it:

    Here is another web link from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation that talks about approaching net-zero energy in existing housing:

    I just though this might be interesting and helpful information for you.

  7. Thanks Brandon for the tip about climate info. My report is based on Sun Rivers now because it is already a development working towards being energy efficient. With the development in town i will be able to use Kamloop's Climate information.

  8. Thanks Meghan,
    I have had some trouble finding case studies so your link sounds like it could be very useful.

  9. Thank you Amanda
    I will have to see if i can use part of the information in that book and apply it to this project.

  10. Hey Irene,
    I didn't know that they were working on a house here in Kamloops, that is awsome. Maybe i will be able to contact those working on the project. Thanks for the links.

  11. Jen,

    I found a link for an article on the TRU library database that you might find useful

    I came across it looking for articles for mine, and I thought that since you are looking at Net Zero, it could help.

  12. Jen,
    In my searching, I came across this interesting little news clip about a zero-energy low-cost development down in Arizona:
    Zero Energy Home
    It's just a short video clip, but has a few interesting points.

  13. Jen,

    You have been selected to receive me as your mentor/consultant for your English Report. Your topic is very interesting - having been up there in the summer and in the winter. A resort tucked up there should try to be sustainable. Is there any newer, different techonology out there could make improvements as well as solar, wind & geothermal.


  14. Come and see me soon to discuss what you have!

  15. Hello Jen, I'm not sure if it's applicable, but I found some information on retaining energy for heating within small communities and complexes:

    Check it out!

  16. I am having some trouble coming up a good graphic, any ideas would really be appreciated.

  17. Thanks for the sites and articles everyone i will take a look and see if i can use some of the information in my report.

  18. Jen, I found a book called Future Energy. I think you should try to get it. It covers many different types of energy production, both green and not green. It would give you a good idea of what to look into further. It's at the TRU Library and is by Trevor M. Letcher.

  19. The project that Irene was telling you about is the same one that the first year students are working on with me.
    Your thesis appears to be more about saving energy and producing energy at a community scale, rather than at the individual home level. I would suggest that you graphic should reflect this.

  20. Thanks for the help everyone :+)
